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Parshas Vayeshev 5785

Torah Tavlin

כי אם זכרתני אתך כאשר ייטב לך ועשית נא עמדי חסד והזכרתני אל פרעה ... (מ-יד)

    Yosef Hatzadik interprets the wine steward’s dream in a positive light and asks for a small favor in return; to mention his name to פרעה in the hope he’d be pardoned. It would seem that the words כי אם are superfluous as it could have just said זכרתני.

When Emperor Napoleon was conquering city after city in Europe, he called for a night of celebration. He commanded one of his soldiers to go to the nearest town and bring a Rabbi - because a Rabbi knows how to give a good speech! In the middle of the night, the Rabbi of the nearby town fearfully opens his door, and a soldier tells him that Napoleon wants him at once.

He packs his talis and tachrichim, and tearfully sets off with the soldier. Upon arrival at the banquet, Napoleon shouts, “Jew! I need a really good speech about me.” The Rav thought to himself, “A drasha! That’s my bread and butter.” So he starts from Bereishis, explaining to the assembled about Hashem, Adam, the Mabul, the Avos, the Shevatim, with all the pertinent details. He explains that each word of the Torah is measured and precise. Not one unneeded letter! Finally he reaches the words in Parshas Vayeishev: "כי אם זכרתני" and asks the above question! These words are seemingly extra!

The Rav turns to Napoleon and says, “Yosef is telling Pharaoh’s drinkmaster, ‘Your entire incarceration was "כי אם" - just so that you should mention my name to Pharaoh.’ Similarly, Your Highness, your power is unparalleled. Your victories, unmatched. But you must realize at the same time that as you ascend higher, you must remember the Jewish people favorably, because we are the reason for your unparalleled success. Everything is bishvil Yisroel.” Napoleon was impressed with both the oratory skills of the Rabbi and the content. He smiled, thanked him, and sent him back home, handsomely rewarded.

Current world events demonstrate that, we too must realize: It is all for us - Bishvil Yisroel. And thus, we must prepare accordingly. Hashem is orchestrating everything and we truly hope that He will follow - "כי אם זכרתני" - remember us לטובה!

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