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Parshas Toldos 5785

Torah Tavlin

ויגש וישק לו וירח את ריח בגדיו ויברכהו ויאמר ראה ריח בני כריח שדה אשר ברכו ה' ... (כז-כז)

    As a preface to Yaakov Avinu’s receipt of the coveted berachos, the posuk says that Yitzchok smelled the aroma of the clothing, commented on their pleasant, holy fragrance, and in the next posuk bentched Yaakov. What is the connection between smelling and bentching?

There is a Gemara in Sanhedrin (37.) which says on this posuk,"אל תיקרי בגדיו אלא בוגדיו" , even Yidden who rebel - sinners, possess a beautiful aroma. Perhaps this is the connection to the beracha. And we’ll elaborate.

Some meforshim ask; why in his beracha did Yitzchok reference טל and not גשם? The Sefer Shem Mishmuel answers as follows: One of the many differences between dew and rain is, that it’s not a given that we will be blessed with rain, (as we have seen in recent weeks). We must be deserving of it. Dew, on the other hand, is a constant blessing. Yitzchok Avinu felt that if he were to bless us with rain, the beracha would be contingent on us deserving it, which poses a risk. He instead, wisely chose טל, which will always come down; knowing that even if Klal Yisroel would חס ושלום not be worthy, they’d still be recipients of Hashem’s benevolence.

Accordingly, we can now understand the connection between the above posukim. When Yitzchok realized, by inhaling that smell, that even the bogdav - the sinners, contain a modicum of purity, and that “the pintele yid” in the deep recesses of the neshama, remains pure, untainted and holy, he understood that his children qualified to be blessed with the more constant beracha of טל. Maybe that’s the reason we say the tefillah of... מטל השמים" "ויתן לך on motzei Shabbos. We are asking that even if we are not fully deservant of parnassa, Hashem should provide for us regardless; as the טל, the more constant blessing.

Yehi Ratzon that whether or not we are worthy, Klal Yisroel should be blessed with refuos, yeshuos, nachas and besuros tovos!

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