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Parshas Shemos 5781

R’ Yosef Patzanovski zt”l (Pardes Yosef) would say:

“The pasuk says: 'אז אמרה חתן דמים למולת' - The word “az” (אז) has the numerical value of 8. Originally, when Moshe was swallowed up by the angel that appeared in the form of a serpent, Tziporah was unsure if this was due to a problem with Moshe’s bris or the delay of her son’s circumcision. Seeing that the angel loosened his grip on Moshe when she circumcised her son, she proclaimed ‘az’ it is clear that due to the delay in circumcising my son on the eighth day, my husband was almost killed.”

A Wise Man would say:

“There’s no better feeling than going to bed at night and not having to set an alarm for tomorrow morning.”



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