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Parshas Re'eh 5784

עניה סערה לא נחמה ... (ישעי' מג-יא)

     The Medrash HaGadol (Vayechi) tells us that at the moment when Hashem decided it was time to begin comforting Klal Yisroel over the terrible Churban that wreaked destruction on Yerushalayim and the Bais HaMikdash, the Almighty dispatched the Avos who tried to comfort Bnei Yisroel. However, they could not be comforted. The Avos returned to Hashem and said that Klal Yisroel could not be comforted using the opening words of the Haftorah - "עניה סערה לא נחמה". Chazal tells us that it was at this very moment when Hashem decided that He - and only He - could truly comfort His children. But surely Hashem knew that in the end only He would be able to offer true comfort, so why did He even send the Avos in the first place?

R’ Moshe Dovid Vali zt”l (Ramad Vali) remarks that this underscores the amazing kesher and closeness Hashem has with Klal Yisroel. For just like a beloved monarch will try every means at his disposal to repatriate his most ardent subjects, so too Hashem will do anything to draw Klal Yisroel closer to Him. In fact, by sending the Avos to start the process of comforting Bnei Yisroel, Hashem was showing that not only did He want them back under His fold, but that the Almighty cared enough to busy Himself with the tedious process of bringing them back and comforting them.

May we all merit to feel that closeness to Hashem and be drawn alongside the millions of Jews who drew closer to Hashem throughout the generations.



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