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Parshas Re'eh 5783

ראה אנכי נתן לפניכם היום ברכה וקללה (יא-כו)

     This week we are taught how to come close to Hashem. First and foremost, one has to open up his eyes and SEE. When a person sees something, he is actually making an effort to take a picture in his mind of the vision before him. This takes thought! A person can literally be blind with open eyes and can go through life without truly seeing.

Moshe Rabbeinu tells Klal Yisroel, “RE’EH” - every single individual in their own life situation should open up their eyes and see that, “I am placing before you today a blessing and a curse.” Every day of your life can be a blessing or a curse, depending on what you choose to SEE! The first step to a happy and truly spiritual life is by making a conscious effort to focus on the good. To even take situations that can be perceived as negative and find something good in it. Because everything that Hashem does is for the good. He is just giving us the freedom to choose how we perceive it. And that will make all the difference in the people we become and our relationship with Hashem.

One day not too long ago, when I was at the Kosel Hamaaravi, I overheard a mother say to her children. “Kinderlach, this is the holiest place in the world, You can ask Hashem for anything you want. What do you want to ask Hashem for?” And each one then said something that they want to daven for, what they want to ask Hashem to give them.

I was thinking to myself, why do we come to the Kosel and immediately think what we are missing? Shouldn’t we first say, “Thank you Hashem for all the millions of chassadim You do for me each day?” Shouldn’t we stand up and thank Hashem for so much good, for all the incredible things He provides for us, before we focus on what is missing and what we still need? It was a wake up call to me that before I start asking and focusing on what I don’t have, I need to open up my eyes and SEE all the good in my life. I need to choose the blessing over the curse for this is truly the first step in real avodas Hashem.



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