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Parshas Eikev 5783

Torah Tavlin

גיטין עו:

"ה"ז גיטך מעכשיו אם לא באתי מכאן ועד י"ב חדש"

     If a husband says this is your גט, "מעכשיו" if I don’t come back within 12 months, and he dies within the 12 months, it is a valid גט because ultimately, he didn’t come back within the stipulated time and since he said "מעכשיו", it is not a גט לאחר מיתה. Consequently, if the couple was childless, she would not fall to יבום because the גט was חל. ר' אלעזר asked, if we find out that the husband died within the 12 months, must she wait till the end of the 12 months, or since we know for sure that he’s not coming back within the 12 months, she may get remarried immediately? [ד"ה דהא] תוס' asks why shouldn’t she be permitted to remarry immediately, it’s certain that since he died the תנאי will be מקויים? Tosfos explains that maybe we should make a גזירה in this case because not everyone knows he died and they will think even in a case where we didn’t hear that he died, she may remarry within the allotted time. The [אבה"ע ס' קמד, ג'] שו"ע says that in our case she is מגורשת as soon as we hear that he died, but if the couple was childless, she may not remarry within the 12 months without חליצה. The ירושלמי [מ:] has a גירסא that ר' יוסי says she is אסור to remarry within the 12 months because we are חושש, "נעשו לו ניסים וחיה" - maybe a miracle will happen and he will be resurrected and come back within the 12 months. The [אהע"ז ס' ג'] שו"ת נפש חיה asks if so, how can any אלמנה ever remarry? Shouldn’t we be חושש for ניסים? The [אה"ע יז', א'] באר היטב says that אשת אליהו הנביא andאשת ריב"ל (both never died), may remarry.

The [אה"ע ס' יז' אות א'] ברכי יוסף brings the story [מגילה ז:] of "קם רבה ושחטיה לר' זירא" during their Purim seudah. Afterwards, רבה performed תחיית המתים on ר' זירא and brought him back to life. Did ר' זירא have to remarry his wife with a new מעשה קידושין or not? The שאלה is: is מיתה מפקיע האיסור אשת איש לגמרי, or is it just a מתיר but the איסור remains, and the היתר is only for as long as he is dead, but if he is resurrected through a נס, it reverts back to the original status, which is אשת איש? The [עיין דף על הדף מגילה ז:] אדרת brings the מגן אברהם that we see a proof from the fact that [ברכות מו.] ר' אבהו was מכבד ר' זירא with ברהמ"ז, that one must give the honor to a גדול. The אדרת asks that ר' זירא was a כהן and that’s why he got the honors and it’s no proof that a גדול gets it! The אדרת suggests that maybe this story happened after ר' זירא was resurrected by רבה on Purim and since he had died,פקע כהונה from him and he no longer had the קדושת כהונה. As a result, he thus led the Bentching because he was the גדול! ר' חיים ברלין disagreed with the אדרת and wrote him a letter quoting the Gemara {חלק} "מנין לתחיית המתים מן התורה"? The Gemara answers, as it says "ונתתם ממנו את תרומת ה' לאהרן הכהן". But since אהרן הכהן will not live forever, what the pasuk means is even after תחיית המתים, we will bring Terumah to אהרן. This is the proof that תחיית המתים is referred to in the Torah! But in any case, from this we see, says ר' חיים ברלין, that after תחיית המתים, אהרן הכהן will still retain his כהונה!

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