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Parshas Eikev 5781

ארץ אשר ה' אלקיך דרש אתה עיני ה' אלקיך בה מרשית השנה ועד אחרית שנה ... (יא-יב)

    I once saw an explanation on this posuk that struck a chord with me and probably with anyone who’s ever heard it. The posuk starts with “Hashana” - THE year, but ends with “Shana” - year. Why the change? The pshat I saw was that at the outset of the year, one is filled with ambitious, lofty “New Year” resolutions ensuring that THIS year will be different. “I’ll change this and I’ll fix that. I’ll become the best spouse, child, Rebbe, friend or person I can be.” But much to his chagrin, sadly, at the end of the year, it seems to be just another “plain old” year,no different than all the previous ones.

Rabbosai, we still have time left to make this year different. The past year was indeed a most trying and difficult one, to say the least. But, we are still able to salvage it and utilize its remaining days to their fullest, thereby turning this year into a “Hashana.” There are many areas to focus our improvement on. Each individual knows where they may be lacking, and in need of a spiritual “tune-up”. But there are two concepts I’d like to hone in on; our emunah in Hashem and harmony amongst ourselves.

In this week’s parsha the Torah refers to Matan Torah as - "ביום הקהל" - the day of gathering. My machshava here is that Har Sinai brought us all together in a way that is hard to fathom. A Nation of former slaves and now being chosen by Hakadosh Boruch Hu! But we became an “Ish echad b’lev echad” - a people who truly feel each other’s pain and triumph. That wasn’t just then but still remains in effect for all eternity. Secondly, the posuk says "מה ה' אלקיך שאל מעמך כי אם ליראה" - It literally translates to: Fear of Hashem. However, perhaps we can say an alternative explanation: Hashem is requesting that we SEE HIM. To see Hashem in all that transpires in the world. Throughout our day to see HIM, talk to HIM, be aware that HE is lovingly guiding us through any hardship we must endure. It is and always will be, Hashem, Avinu Shebashamayim.

May THIS YEAR become THE YEAR that we change and THE YEAR that we greet Moshiachבמהרה בימינו אמן.



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