הביטו אל אברהם אביכם ואל שרה תחוללכם כי אחד קראתיו ואברכהו וארבהו ... (ישעי' נא-ב)
In this week’s Haftorah, Klal Yisroel is once again comforted. Following the devastating Churban, the people are haunted by what they think is a terrible truth - that the exile proves that Hashem has abandoned His children and the covenant made on Har Sinai. Yet, Yeshaya HaNavi challenges that notion and states that Klal Yisroel need to only, “Look back to Avraham, your father, and to Sarah who brought you forth. For he was the only one when I (Hashem) called him, but I blessed him and made him many.”
Despite this optimistically sounding statement, the terrible purge had taken place and the land lay desolate, so in what precisely was Klal Yisroel supposed to find comfort?
The Chofetz Chaim, R’ Yisroel Meir HaKohen Kagan zt”l explains that the lesson to learn from Avraham Avinu and Sarah Imeinu is to never give in to despair and regret, despite the circumstances. Avraham and Sarah were well advanced in age with no natural chance of them ever having children of their own. Yet, they never lost hope or belief in the workings of Hashem, and as a result of their faith, they were rewarded with the birth of their son, Yitzchok Avinu.
As the land lay wasted and desolate, it is easy for Klal Yisroel to simply “throw in the towel” and despair of ever seeing the light of redemption. Yeshaya HaNavi’s words are meant to inspire the people to remember the amazing turn of events regarding the birth of Yitzchok Avinu and to learn that despite it all, a Jew must never give in and never give up.