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Parshas Eikev 5779

לאהבה את ה' אלקיכם ללכת בכל דרכיו ולדבקה בו ... (יא-כב)

     R’ Meir Simcha HaKohen zt”l (Meshech Chochma) points out that nowhere in the Torah do we find the mitzvah of Emunah. So how do we know it is a mitzvah? Because it says "ולדבקה בו" - this is the mitzvah! Cleaving to Hashem means trusting Him implicitly. We cling to Hashem because we believe in Him! The Meshech Chochama offers a mashal of a King who has a son whom He loves dearly. This son knows that his father is the King and has the power to give him anything he wants. He also loves him very much and wants to make him happy. The son of the King lives a content and worry-free life because he knows that he can always turn to his father. Explains the Meshech Chochma, this should be the way we feel as Jews. We are Hashem’s beloved child and He wishes to bestow only good upon us. We have nothing to worry about - ever! We need to turn to Hashem and cleave to Him, which means that we don’t make a move without Him.

     The word "דבק" in Hebrew means glue! To cleave to Hashem means to be literally glued to Him! This means that whatever one is doing, whether he is involved in a mitzvah or eating breakfast, he is connected to Hashem. Hashem is in his thoughts. The worst thing in the world is when a person goes through life and forgets about Hashem. The Brisker Rav, R’ Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik zt”l used to say: “Even if someone would offer me a gigantic sum of money to keep in my bank account in order to pay my students on time, I would not want it! The fact that I have to rely on Hashem every month for the money is the way I fulfill the mitzvah of bitachon! I would not want to forgo this mitzvah for any amount of money in the world!”

Let us change our attitude and turn worry into opportunity to fulfill this greatest mitzvah of “U’ledavka Bo”!



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