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Parshas Eikev 5774

Rabbeinu Yosef Albo ZT”L (Sefer Haikkarim) would say:

“How can a human being possibly ‘walk in His (Hashem’s) ways and cleave to Him’? By following the words of Tehillim (קיט-א-ג): ‘Happy are they that are upright in the way, who walk in the laws of Hashem. Happy are they that keep His testimonies, that seek Him with their whole heart. They do no unrighteousness; they walk in His ways.’ When a person fulfills the mitzvos of Hashem with pure intentions for the sake of heaven, and refrains from sin and transgression, this is called ‘walking in His ways.’ No matter whether they are ‘keeping His testimonies’ by doing the mitzvos, or ‘doing no unrighteousness’ and refraining from transgressions - this is the way to ‘walk in His ways and cleave to Him.’”

R’ Meir Premishlaner ZT”L (Marganisa D’Rebbi Meir) would say: “'ומלתם את ערלת לבבכם וערפכם לא תקשו עוד' - The world is filled with questions about the existence of G-d and why He remains hidden in the world. If people would just remove the 'ערלת לבבם' - the barriers that block their hearts, they will then see Hashem and will have no questions. Thus, the posuk says, 'ומלתם את ערלת לבבכם' - remove the barriers that block your hearts, 'ולא תקשו עוד' - and you will have no further questions (קושיות)!”

A Wise Man would say:

“There is only one perfect child in the world - and every mother has it.”



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