והיה עקב תשמעון את המשפטים האלה ... (ז-יב)
Chazal teach us that whenever the Torah employs the word "והיה" - it denotes joy. It is an expression of simcha. If so, one might ask, what is the happiness found in the first posuk of this parsha, "והיה עקב תשמעון"? The Rebbe, R’ Avraham Chaim M’Zlotshov ZT”L (Orach L’chaim) explains that the joy expressed in the words "עקב תשמעון" is referring to the happiness that Hashem will have in the time period right before Moshiach comes which is known as "עיקבתא דמשיחא" when the Jewish people will listen (תשמעון) and follow the ways of Hashem. This period before the great and final redemption will be a scary and difficult time in which to live. Chazal tell us (סנהדרין צח:) that there were great Amoraim such as Ulla and Raba who remarked that they do not wish to live during the time of “Ikvisa D’Mashichah” for fear of all the terrible suffering and pain that will be prevalent in those days! People will be forced to undergo difficult tests and tremendous pain and heartache just to get through each and every day. When Klal Yisroel will endure so much pain and still hearken to the word of Hashem and keep His laws scrupulously, that will cause a great stir of simcha and joy in Heaven.
How many signs are pointing out that we are living in these heady days of “Ikvisa D’Mashicha”? How many signs do we need? The individual pain and collective suffering of Klal Yisroel is tremendous - and yet, says the Torah, there is cause for simcha. May our steadfast commitment to Hashem and His Torah achieve great heights of joy in Heaven and may this great simcha be the catalyst for the final stages of golus and the heralding of the glorious days of Moshiach, very, very soon!