R’ Menachem Mendel Morgenstern ZT”L (Kotzker Rebbe) would say:
“‘And now, Yisroel, what does Hashem your G-d require of you, but to fear Hashem your G-d.’ There are two areas of living in which the human being functions in contradiction to the proper way. A person’s livelihood is in the hands of heaven, but people do not rely on the One Who provides and sustains all. On the contrary! They expend all their energies day and night attempting to increase their income, believing that it is entirely in their own hands. Fear of heaven, however, does depend completely on the individual, as the posuk states. Fear of heaven is required of you, and no one can perform it for you. Yet, odd as it may seem, it is for this task that the human does rely on heaven and prays to G-d for help!”
Chacham Rabbeinu Yosef Yavess ZT”L (M’Girushei Sefard) would say:
“‘Take care, lest your heart stray and Hashem’s anger will be aroused upon you, and He will hold back the sky and there will be no rain.’ The skies want to produce rain and the ground wants to give forth its produce. Blessing and prosperity want very much to burst forth in abundance; it is man who stops them with his sins. If only we perform teshuvah and increase our observance of mitzvos, we can remove the blockade and earn the bounty of goodness of blessing, good fortune and happiness.”
A Wise Man would say:
“Teaching is not a lost art, but respect and regard for teaching is a lost tradition.”