R’ Chaim Yosef Dovid Azulai ZT”L (Chida) would say:
“There are two types of impurity that can affect a person - impurity that enters a person and impurity that surrounds a person. An example of the former is non-kosher food; an example of the latter is idolatry. Our Sages teach us that Hashem hurried Bnei Yisroel out of Egypt because they were about to become inextricably mired in the impurity of Egypt. Our ancestors had reached the stage where the external impurity of Egypt was about to become an internal part of their beings. Hashem took them out before the impurity could enter them. How then can one allow non-kosher food to enter his body? This is possible only if one denies the Exodus!”
R’ Yaakov Dovid Slutzker ZT”L would say:
“The Jewish People are compared to fire while the other nations of the world are likened to water. If there is a partition between the fire and the water, such as a pot, then the fire can overcome the water and boil it. If there is no partition between them, the water overcomes the fire and puts it out.”
A Wise Man would say:
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”