R' Azaryah Pigo ZT"L (Binah L'itim) would say:
"When someone has 'excess' funds in his coffers, the Torah compares him to a person with excess blood in his body. Such an excess of blood is harmful to his health, especially if it becomes infected and the remedy for this disease is the ancient act of bloodletting. So too, the remedy for the sickness of 'excess' funds (stolen money, fraud, embezzlement) is tzedakah - in essence, the act of money-letting!"
R' Avrohom Ben HaRambam ZT"L would say:
"Be careful not to consider yourself wicked. Such a person will not even attempt to improve himself and is likely to become worse than he already is."
R' Yehudah Leib Chasman ZT"L (Ohr Yahel) would say:
"When a person's mind is geared to pursuing his desires, this becomes the main focus of his life.
Having one's desires as the focal point of a person's ambitions, will ultimately destroy him."