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The words "Torah Tavlin" are best known from a phrase in the Gemara in the tractate Kiddushin: "בראתי יצר הרע ובראתי לו תורה תבלין" - "I created  the Yetzer Hara, and I've also the Torah Tavlin" - as an antidote; it is only in this passage that the context compels this translation. The word “Tavlin” has many understandings in the teachings of Chazal, but it is literally translated as “Spices.” Just as a master chef will employ a refreshing blend of spices and ingredients to make his culinary creation into a masterpiece, so too, does Hashem blend together a Divine brand of seasoning - “Tavlin” - into His Living Torah for us to absorb, each according to our individual understanding. Through the countless pages of our commentators, from thousands of years ago up to the present day, we “taste” these spices in every word and posuk in the Torah, and our intellectual senses are overloaded. It is the “Sam Hachaim” - the elixir of life, and the truest manner to experience the Torah.


Parshas Ki Savo

"השקיפה ממעון קדשך מן השמים"

     The Sifri teaches that it is because of the reward of the mitzvah of Bikkurim that Klal Yisroel were zoche to go into Eretz Yisroel. On the first night of Selichos, we recite the following: “Raise Your mighty, right hand to act valiantly, for the sake of the righteous one who was bound and in whose stead a ram was slaughtered; shield his descendants as they cry out to you while it is yet night, hear our cry and our prayer.” We ask Hashem to listen to our tefillos which we are davening while it is still night, in the zechus of Akeidas Yitzchok. What is the significance of davening at night?

     R’ Moshe Teitelbaum zt”l (Beirach Moshe) explains that the lifeline of everything in this world comes from Hashem. One who breaks his natural tendencies and follows the will of Hashem, will merit life in this world and the next. Although human nature is to sleep at night, the chachamim established that we say Selichos specifically while it is still dark at night; in the zechus that we are breaking our nature to perform avodas Hashem, our tefillos should be accepted.

     Avraham Avinu, the quintessential “Ish chessed” went against his nature and was prepared to slaughter his son to follow the will of Hashem. We daven that just as the Akeidah is a great zechus because it went against Avraham’s nature, our nocturnal supplications - the result of us breaking our natural desires - should also be worthy of being accepted.

     The mitzvah of bikkurim, bringing the first fruit to the kohen, goes against the nature of a person. He so much wants to enjoy the fruits of his labor. This is natural. But instead, he gives it to the Ribono shel Olam; he does not keep it for himself. It is in the zechus that Klal Yisroel goes against their characteristic tendencies to give away their first fruits to Hashem, that we were zoche to receive the Land of Israel.


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